Once upon a time I used to be a therapist

Quit Facebook, it’s stupid and you know it. Quit your job, if it’s not ‘the one’.
Quit having stuff you don’t really need. Quit smoking, by the way. Quit your car and finally get a bike.
Find something or somewhere you could work for passion, not money. You know it’s out there. Just go for it.Don’t work for people that you don’t like or don’t like you.

If you really love something, then you must really be good at it. But you have to learn it first. Take your time. Never compare yourself to others.Be positive. But don’t expect for good luck to come to you, if you don´t work hard.
Good things come to those who work. The law of attraction only works for some guru guys to sell their pseudo spiritual books. You’re not one of them, are you?

You’re the one that teach others how you wanna be treated. If you let people mistreat you once, they will most likely repeat it.

Read more, even if that means turning off your TV every night.
Some books, few, have more wisdom in a 100 pages than you in your whole lifetime, whatever your age is.Listen to more good music, old and new. Don’t be lazy to look for more.
Don’t let radio stations do the work for you, mostly they play what they’re paid for.

Visit your distant relatives and old friends. Listen more. Say how you feel always, if it’s important. If not, keep it to yourself. The world does not go around you. Talk less.Make sure you really know who you’re talking to. Keep it to yourself. Most people don’t really care, they’re just curious.

Remember who you are and where you came from. Go back to the street where you played once as a kid and say ‘hi’ to old neighbors. You will feel better.Look back sometimes, but look more forward.
It is the present that exists and matters. Don’t neglect it. Living in the past is very sad, for it will not return incolum.

Like only people that are ‘likable’. Don’t hate and make sure you stay away from haters. Fear nothing. Evil is in who makes it, not in whom receives it.
Make sure the thing you’re fighting back it’s worth it. If you take problems out of their context they will look bigger than they really are.
Give up bad things, not good ones. If you can’t get it at first, try harder. It might just turn out great.
Never envy. Everyone has their share of adversity, and puts up with shit now and then. You would want your problems back, if you could see others people’s life’s more closely.
Don’t relate to people you don’t like, you really don’t have to. Just be nice and don’t fake fondness.
Do what you want, not what others want. You are entitled to be yourself and have a life. Only then you can really care about what others want and compromise, if you feel like it.
Don’t restrain it or it will turn into something else. Believe in your intuition. Share it. You will regret it if you don’t. And if you’re not loved back, it’s ok. It has to happen to all of us. Next time you will get it, or the time next that time…Take risks.
You can’t always win, but at least you tried it. Take your big shot at love. Some chances don’t appear that often.

Don’t miss funerals.
It’s not as traumatic as you think and there’s an event that only comes once in a lifetime. You might regret passing on that.

Give, if you can.
Be kind cause you care, not for the reward. There’s no need for more suckers in this world.

Enjoy intimacy.
It is very rare and many people aren’t able to reach that level of relation with others. Those are the moments people remember when they’re about to die.

Be true to yourself and to meaningful others. Don’t care too much about what people think. You can’t please everyone, as not everyone pleases you.Forgive others and yourself when you’re prepared for it. All things pass.

Don’t take things too personally.
Sometimes people are being an ass to you, in spite of you. They’re just on their own journey. Let them be and walk way. Sometimes is not even worth it to ask for satisfaction, besides you’re not God.

Don’t be evil.
Revenge will get you far worst than you were when first started it. Plus the harm done will come back to you. Karma is no Indian science fiction.

You are never alone unless you want to. Ask for help if you need, it’s ok.
Just choose wisely who you ask. For some people, you must keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.

Never forget who helped you in times of trouble. You were lucky. Many people live trough hell all alone. Say thank you.

Your mistakes can make you stronger, or weaker. Learn something from them or else you will repeat them over and over till you get the lesson right. That’s what shrinks call neuroticism by the way.

To your friends you don’t have to explain yourself, your enemies are most likely not to believe you. So be cool and don’t justify, unless you’re in kindergarten and you’re teacher is a control freak.

Learn to laugh at yourself first, before you can really laugh at others with no harm done. Having a sense of humor is so much more than making good jokes about other peoples weaknesses.Mind your own business.
What is good for you may not be good to others. You should already have enough to think about with your own life. Don’t give intimate personal advice unless you are asked for.

If you really believe in something: stand for it, without anyone’s approval.That means you have an opinion of your own. It can be a bit scary at first, but afterwards it should feel good not to be a sheep.

Take time to look at your city. Contemplate.
You’re on the right track if a beautiful skyline still makes you smile. Appreciate it, you never know when it’s going to be an earthquake.

Be great. Don’t pursue fame or glory. They’re overrated and not what promise to be.
Make sure you earn what you get, or it will last shit.

Trust in yourself first, only then trust others. You’re less likely to be deceived if you have a self-esteem.

Don’t fall into flattering. People that really like you don’t complement you all the time. Flattering is like hard sales advertising, you will have to buy something in the end.

Be brave. Brave to tell the truth. Brave to be alone. Brave to not be loved. Brave to admit your faults. Brave to apologize. Brave to change your mind. Brave to speak up. Brave to say no. Brave to stand for your life.Be grateful for being able to love and be loved back. You made it!
Nothing is more difficult to learn in life. Most people never do.

Have a nice life, it can’t be that bad. If it is, you’re probably doing it wrong.
You can fix it if you want to. Every life needs some mending now and then.
Remember the world is full of great people, just like you.

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